About Us
Rubirosa Company S.R.L
In 1994, Dominican Republic was born our small independent producer of premium cigars, at that time called Corporación Tabaquera Dominicana. In 1998, our firm established itself in the local and international markets as manufacturers of our Rubirosas cigars.
In 2021 we became Rubirosa Company S.R.L increasing our capacity and ensuring quality control to guarantee that every one of our cigars is a work of art. Each Rubirosa is the result of dedication and expertise passed from generation to generation.
History tells us that the Tainos introduced tobacco plants to the conquerors, who sent them to Europe in the mid-16th century and valued them for their medicinal properties. By 1600, it was one of the main exports from this island.
By order of the King of Spain, in 1763, the first tobacco factory was established, and the fertile Cibao Valley became the agricultural heartland for tobacco cultivation.
The production and quality of Dominican tobacco have spread throughout the world. Currently, the country exports almost half of the cigars produced in the world.
We work with the highest quality standards so that each Rubirosa guarantees pleasure throughout the smoke.
Dominican cigars
Like its country, it is seductive and attractive, guaranteeing satisfaction even to the most demanding cigar aficionado.
Hand made cigars, using only 100% natural materials for their elaboration and processing.